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Jetstream is the most advanced toolkit for working with and administering Salesforce. We know that once you start using Jetstream, you'll wonder how you ever got on without it!

If you have questions or want to talk with a human, you can reach support by emailing [email protected].


If you haven't created a Jetstream account, you can sign-up here.

Adding your first org

After logging in to Jetstream for the first time, you need to connect Jetstream to one or more of your Salesforce orgs.

Jetstream uses OAuth2 for org connections, which means that Jetstream never gains access directly to your password.

To add an org, click the button at the top of the page.

You will be asked to choose an org type which is used to determine the which Salesforce login page to redirect you to for authorization.

  • Production / Developer
  • Sandbox
  • Pre-release
  • Custom Login URL

Jetstream IP Addresses

If you need to whitelist IP addresses for your org, Jetstream will use one of the following three ip addresses:


Troubleshooting Tips

If you have issues adding your org, here are some likely causes and solutions.

ProblemPossible CausesSolution
You are unable to login, your username and password is not accepted from SalesforceYour org may have a login restriction to only allow access by logging in using the custom domain.This setting can be found in Salesforce under SetupMy DomainPoliciesPrevent login from

If this is set to true, then you will want to use the Custom Login URL option and provide custom domain shown on the Current My Domain URL on the setup page.
You receive an error message after successfully logging in
  • You may have 3rd party OAuth apps blocked by your administrator
  • You might require an administrator to pre-install or enable 3rd party OAuth apps in your org
  • You may have IP address restrictions enabled for your profile or for Connected Apps

OAuth configuration settings can be managed in SetupManage Connected Apps Find Jetstream and click Edit.

From here, you have the ability to:
  • Install the connected app, which pre-authorizes users
  • Choose which profiles have access to use the connected app
  • Relax IP address restrictions for this app
For Refer to the Salesforce Documentation for more information.
When you click a Salesforce link, you are required to "Choose a Verification Method" to continue to Salesforce.You may have very strict session settings in Salesforce, such as "High Assurance".By default, Jetstream uses Frontdoor to login using your existing Jetstream session.

This can be disabled by navigating to your settings and enabling the option to Don't Auto-Login on Link Clicks.

Disable Auto-Login